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  • Economies of scale: The benefits of multi-school organisations

Economies of scale: The benefits of multi-school organisations

Why Australia should consider grouping schools together to drive change

A couple of weeks ago I was lucky enough to chat with Jordana Hunter & Nick Parkinson from the Grattan Institute about economies of scale in education.

‘Economies of scale’ is an economic term that basically means, ‘When things grow, savings often arise’.

This can occur when multiple schools band together. For example, a group of schools could hire a curriculum expert in a particular area to produce high quality resources for all of the schools to use. Outcome: A higher quality resource at a lower per-school price.

We were talking about this because Jordana and Nick had just released a report on the benefits of multi-school organisations (MSOs) based upon their trip to NY and England to visit 7 MSOs.

If you’re keen to hear about more of the benefits of schools joining together into multi-school organisations, check out my most recent podcast with Jordana and Nick!

In it, we talk about MSO benefits to:

  • School improvement

  • Leadership

  • Teacher workload

  • Career opportunities

  • Curriculum

  • Student behaviour

  • Professional learning

  • Managing talent pipelines

  • And more…

I am SUPER excited about the prospect of some MSOs forming in Aus to support the scaling of practices that we see in some of our most effective schools.

Watch this space!

(and also note that we have some MSOs already doing great stuff in Aus, especially in the form of Catholic Ed Diocese, check out Catalyst as one great example : )

Announcements and Opportunities

Josh Goodrich and Harry Fletcher-Wood are coming to Aus again! They’re here to help out with the in-person days for the Certificate in Coaching Leadership, but they’re also doing a one-day-only intensive on Instructional Coaching with me in Melbourne. Would be great to see you there if you’re looking for a one day boost to your Instructional Coaching skills and confidence!